David Burns
Senior Product Consultant
Areas of Expertise
David has decades of experience as a product safety investigator. He specializes in investigating incidents involving fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, fatalities and injuries related to consumer products. Dedicated to helping save lives and reduce injuries, he has designed, developed and implemented national safety and education campaigns to alert consumers about dangers related to using consumer products that present known or emerging hazards.
A sought-after expert in product safety consulting, he is well versed in data and trend analysis; evidence and sample collection procedures, including hazardous materials; and NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations.
Education / Certifications
- BS, Criminal Justice (Magna Cum Laude), Northeastern University
- AS, Criminal Justice (Summa Cum Laude), Northern Essex Community College
- Chairman Meritorious Service Award
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Meritorious Service Medal
- U.S. Army Commendation Medal, U.S. Army
- U.S. Army Knowlton Award, U.S. Army