Mari Lehtimäki
Fire Safety Engineer + Forensics Expert
Areas of Expertise
Helsinki - Finland
Mari Lehtimäki has worked in the safety and security industry for more than 20 years and has been a fire safety expert for the last seven years. She has been involved in fire engineering projects for new builds and renovations, including assembly and residential buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area and Uusimaa region. Working as a fire investigation specialist, Mari has also contributed to forensic research publications through the University of Turku and the Emergency Services Academy in Finland.
Mari on työskennellyt turvallisuusalalla yli 20 vuotta, joista paloturvallisuusasiantuntijana seitsemän vuoden ajan. Hän on työskennellyt paloturvallisuusasiantuntijana usean uudisrakennus- ja korjausrakennuskohteen suunnittelussa pääkaupunkiseudulla ja Uudellamaalla. Mari on myös ansioitunut palotutkintaan liittyvissä asiantuntijatehtävissä, osallistunut tutkijaryhmässä tulipaloihin liittyvään oikeustieteelliseen tutkimukseen ja julkaissut Turun yliopiston ja Pelastusopiston julkaisusarjoissa.
Education / Certifications
- Master’s of Administrative Science, Criminal and Process Law, University of Eastern Finland
See Insights from Mari Lehtimäki
Blogs + Whitepapers
The Benefits of Fire Investigation: Less Fire Damage + A Safer Workplace
Sep 13, 2022
Our customer, a material sorting and recycling company, was concerned about recurring fires and their potential dangers.
Blogs + Whitepapers
The benefits of fire investigation: less fire damage and a safer workplace
Aug 24, 2022
Our customer, a material sorting and recycling company, was concerned about recurring fires and their potential dangers.