Mikko Partanen
Fire Safety Engineer
Areas of Expertise
Tampere - Finland
Mikko has worked in fire engineering since 2012. He has contributed to a wide range of new construction and renovation projects in both project management and as part of the design team. High-rise buildings, wood buildings and performance-based fire safety design including fire simulations, egress simulations and quantitative risk analysis are Mikko’s special expertise. Strong structural civil engineering background gives a good basis for comprehensive design work in projects.
Mikko on työskennellyt paloturvallisuusasiantuntijana vuodesta 2012.
Hänellä on monipuolinen kokemus uudis- ja korjausrakentamiskohteista niin projektinjohdon tehtävissä kuin osana suunnittelutiimiä. Erityisosaamisalueita ovat korkearakentaminen, puurakentaminen ja toiminnallinen palomitoitus, kuten kvantitatiiviset riskianalyysit sekä palo- ja poistumissimuloinnit.
Education / Certifications
- Master’s of Science, Civil Engineering, Tampere University of Technology
- FISE Designer of Fire Safety (class PV)
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Project Profiles
Tays Central Hospital
Dec 11, 2023
Ours team evaluated the steel trusses in atriums for the Tays Tampere Central Hospital through intricate fire simulations and temperature analyses.
Project Profiles
Länsimetro West Metro Extension
Aug 17, 2023
Our team of experts helped develop evacuation procedures that work in the older and newer segments of the tracks and stations while remaining code compliant.