Press Releases + News Articles

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Global Fire and Life Safety Engineering Leader Jensen Hughes Acquires Belgium-Based Fire Protection Engineering Firm, FES Ghent

Jensen Hughes announces the acquisition of FES Ghent (FESG), a fire protection firm based in Belgium.

Jun 14, 2021

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Sprinkler Systems + Maintenance

Usha Tyson's article on how to maintain sprinkler systems in buildings was published in Facility Executive.

May 7, 2021

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Jensen Hughes Announces Rebranding of Hillard Heintze, Technical Response Planning Corporation and Russell Phillips & Associates

We excited to announce the rebranding of Hillard Heintze, Technical Response Planning Corp. and Russell Phillips & Associates

Apr 29, 2021

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Navigating the Ins + Outs for OSHA Compliance

Kelley Lax's blog regarding OSHA Compliance was featured on Industry Today.

Jan 20, 2021

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How Video Image Detection can Improve Response in Challenging Environments

Josh Dinaburg discusses the advancements of video image detection (VID) and its use cases for fire protection.

Dec 30, 2020

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The Evolving Fire + Security Relationship, an FPE Perspective

Jeff Harper discusses the commonalities between fire protection and security in the SFPE Quarterly magazine.

Dec 7, 2020

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Rich Vicars Featured on AmBestTV

Fires Blamed on Lithium-Ion Batteries Can Spark Complex Litigation

Nov 2, 2020

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Jensen Hughes Acquires British Columbia-Based Fire Protection Engineering Firm CFT Engineering

Jensen Hughes announced today its acquisition of CFT Engineering, a major fire protection engineering firm in Canada.

Nov 2, 2020

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Jensen Hughes + TAP Report Partnership

Jensen Hughes announces partnership with inspection software company, Tap Report.

Sep 8, 2020

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Social Distancing in High-Traffic Facilities

Mike Ferreira reviews strategies that high-traffic facilities can adopt to limit the further spread of COVID-19.

Aug 25, 2020

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Learn about the variety of approaches to mitigate combustible dust hazard risks in your facility.

Aug 11, 2020

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