Industry news: Uptick in ‘Co-design Principles’

Nick Morris

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1 Mar 2022

Co-design is the new buzzword in the field of disability. But what does it actually mean in practice? Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) have published their Co-Design Principles. QDN is a state-wide network of people with diverse disability from communities across Queensland. Their motto, ‘Nothing About Us Without Us’, is clearly evident in the five values that underpin their co-design principles and processes. They are:

  • Authentic Voice – We ensure those with limited or no voice are heard and valued.
  • Collaborative Action – We learn from collective experiences, values, and wisdom.
  • Rights – We believe in a human rights approach.
  • Respect – We value human difference and diversity.
  • Resilience – We are here for the long term.

For QDN, people with disability need to be included from the beginning in the planning, design, delivery, and evaluation of services, policy, and products. Built on a strong foundation of collaboration and feedback, QDN's Co-Design Principles are designed to engage the disability community in a meaningful, equal, and authentic way to deliver quality outcomes for the end-user.

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About the author

Nick Morris
Nick is a recognized expert in accessibility, having consulted in the field of Universal Design and Accessibility for over 20 years