Swimming Pool Accessibility

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16 Apr 2019

We have worked on many public and privately operated swimming pools throughout Victoria, NSW and Queensland, where we’ve seen recurring themes in the type and design of the amenities and the types of pool entrance accessibility. The amenities are relatively easy, including:

  • Changing Places facility
  • Unisex accessible, including change benches (a minimum of two where a portable hoist can ensure a higher capacity when the Changing Places toilet is in great demand through group use)
  • Unisex ambulant-accessible toilets
  • Family change rooms, including change benches
  • School gender facilities, including ambulant-accessible toilets
  • First aid room

Providing these amenities ensures people from all abilities, backgrounds, and recreational requirements can fully enjoy the pools before and after use.

Swimming is one of the few recreation or sporting activities that allows freedom from impairment or mobility level, regardless of age. From toddler and swimming pools to splash parks, spas or beach entry wave pools, there is something for everyone in the community. The challenge is how to get people of all abilities and accessibility levels in and out of them.

The costs to build, install, manage and maintain the range of available equipment vary significantly. The following highlights the different types of equipment, their benefits and their disadvantages.

Pool pod

  • Benefit – Independent operation, can be moved and offers a range of abilities access to the pool
  • Negatives – Expensive, not appropriate for people with high mobility needs or who use a large wheelchair

Aqua Creek Pro or Kingfisher hoists

  • Benefit – Inexpensive, independent operation, battery power, movable, small space impact
  • Negatives – Not appropriate for people with high mobility, high care needs or who use a large wheelchair

Pelican pool hoist – sling style

  • Benefits – Large lifting capacity, designed for people with high mobility or high care needs
  • Negatives – Not independently operable, intensive staff use, large footprint when not in use

Pool ramps

  • Benefits – Non-mechanical issues, can be used by people with ambulatory disabilities
  • Negatives – Expensive, wet wheelchairs are generally poor and require staff assistance, not desirable for people with high mobility or high care needs

Spa ledge (460mm high by 400mm wide)

  • Benefits – Non-mechanical issues, people with temperature regulation issues, ideal for older adults or mobile wheelchair users to transfer onto the ledge and ease themselves into the space
  • Negatives – Not desirable for people with high mobility or high care needs, difficult for a Kingfisher or Aqua Creek Pro pool hoist to move over the top

These are by no means an exhaustive list of what amenities and equipment should be provided, as each facility is different. However, providing a number of these features helps to ensure inclusivity, accessibility and community sustainability is achieved.