Beautiful image of a green parkway near a city, people walking, escalator nearby, sun shining

Energy + Sustainability Engineering


We provide specialised consultancy services and reporting in the field of building energy efficiency and Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD). Our goal is to find solutions to balance development costs while also providing a well-designed green building that complies with all relevant building energy efficiency regulations. Our experienced consultants hold degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Design, so you know you are dealing with specialists who deliver great results.

Skyscrapers in city with a park at the base of the buildings and beautiful water in the background

Section J Compliance

Section J of the National Construction Code (NCC) aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings. Through our consultancy, we highlight Section J energy efficiency requirements, provide assessments to ensure deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions are met and prepare compliance statements through an extensive analysis of reports and detailed inspections. We also highlight areas where using the JV3 Verification Method would be more practical or cost-efficient.
Engineer with tablet standing on top of a roof with solar panels

JV3 Alternative Verification

Using the latest modelling software (IESVE), our JV3 Verification specialists analyse the proposed building’s annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to ensure they do not exceed that of a building meeting DTS provisions. We provide detailed consultancy, technical advice, and reports on design/material changes to meet Section J compliance. Our solar photovoltaic expertise also allows us to incorporate renewable energy contributions to offset the proposed building’s GHG emissions.
Aerial view of a residential neighborhood

BASIX + NatHERS commitments

Our NatHERS-accredited consultants use the latest modelling software (HERO) to provide glazing and insulation options that meet the architectural intent of the building while also maintaining an understanding of the practicality and implications of certain BASIX and NatHERS commitments. Factors such as dwelling orientation, floor plan layout, shading, ventilation, and construction materials all have a significant impact on the NatHERS star rating. With a focus on value engineering and good buildability, each project is prepared with a detailed, easy-to-understand summary of water, energy and thermal comfort commitments to ensure client awareness.
Construction worker inspecting HVAC and mechanical equipment

Condensation Management

Condensation and mould growth within external walls and roofs can be harmful to human health and cause rotting of insulation, boards and framing. Our certified consultants use hygrothermal modelling software to provide condensation analysis and management assessments and predict mould growth based on substrate material, temperature and relative humidity. We also provide technical advice for minimising the risk of mould growth in your building and complying with the latest NCC requirements.

Green Star Assessments

Green Star assessments ensure that buildings are working to minimise their carbon footprint and improve the health and well-being of occupants. Through their experience, credit criteria knowledge and technical advice, our passionate team of Green Star-accredited professionals guide your project from concept to completion. We work closely with the client, head contractor, and each consultant to ensure that the highest and most practical standards for sustainability are met along the way.
Co workers enjoying a break in an office meeting room or common area

WELL Assessments

WELL is an international and scientifically- backed building standard that ensures occupant health and well-being when designing and constructing new buildings. By guiding you through the process from concept to completion, our WELL-accredited assessors can help you meet the performance-based and prescriptive standards to become a WELL-certified building that can help improve occupant nutrition, mood, fitness and sleep patterns.
Stunning tree with signature roots, green foliage and path in Tamborine National Park

National Building Energy Rating System (NABERS)

The NABERS Commitment Agreement is a contract to design, build, commission and operate a building's premises to yield lower greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement outlines the process applicants must follow to obtain a design-reviewed target rating. Our team is equipped with the experience, talent and knowledge needed to complete NABERS Commitment Agreements for a range of fields, including HVAC mechanical, electrical, power, renewables, construction, legislation and project management.
Consultants smiling while doing work in safety gear with reflective jackets, hard hats and goggles

Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS)

Created in Victoria, BESS helps builders and developers in the planning permit stage achieve sustainable design outcomes for communities. With the BESS tool, our experts can assess factors like water efficiency and thermal comfort with the goal of suggesting ways to improve a building's sustainability performance. Using energy, thermal, daylight and glare simulations further allows us to rationalise designs to achieve compliance while maximising the natural lighting and window area in a dwelling.
Dappled sunlight glaring off of a building in the fall

Daylight and Glare Modelling

Using the latest modelling software (RadienceIES), our experts can help maximise the natural daylight available in a building, minimise glare and maintain thermal comfort without the need for excess energy consumption. We also use NCC Natural Light Simulation and other appropriate assessment/verification methods to measure the natural daylight in all habitable rooms so that it meets an average daylight factor of not less than 2%.
Thermal modeling simulation image of a large building complexes and adjacent buildings and landscape

Energy + Thermal Comfort Simulation

Energy and thermal comfort simulation is used to predict the realistic annual energy demand of a building once completed and help minimise the use of artificial heating and cooling. Our experts can perform energy and thermal simulations for accurate predictions of annual energy demand and thermal comfort levels of a building. We also assist in recommending design and service changes to achieve an efficient outcome, thereby reducing energy costs throughout the lifetime of the building.
Engineers and Consultants walking along an open path in safety gear, discussing solar farm

DCP Sustainability Reports

Development Control Plans (DCPs) are detailed planning and design guidelines in NSW that present a consent authority's expectations for Local Government Areas (LGAs). At Jensen Hughes, our sustainability specialists skilfully assess and provide advice to ensure that a planned development will meet the sustainability objectives and outcomes of the LGA. These sustainability commitments ultimately result in positive planning outcomes which benefit the broader community.
Group of consultants meeting over a solar panel with drawings on a project site

On-site Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Design Feasibility

On-site PV design feasibility allows us to assist clients in the appropriate selection of a PV system. Our experts calculate the estimated power generation of a particular system and use this information in combination with cost estimations to develop a feasibility study, including return-on-investment and payback periods. Using our solar PV expertise, we incorporate this information into the JV3 Verification Method and count as renewable energy to offset the proposed building’s GHG emissions.

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