Fire Modelling , Smoke + Evacuation Modelling Solutions

Fire, smoke, and evacuation modelling is an essential tool for predicting the spread of smoke, heat, and flames in built environments, providing valuable insights for design and planning. Modelling can help to optimise fire safety strategies, ensuring proper smoke control, fire suppression, and safe evacuation routes. Our modelling services include evacuation simulations, which assess how occupants move in emergencies, identifying potential issues in escape routes and improving overall safety. We offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing building safety and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Predicting Smoke and Heat for Safer Building Design

When a building catches fire, smoke inhalation and heat transfer often pose greater risks than the flames themselves. It’s critical to assess how smoke and heat will spread during a fire, as this information is vital for effective escape planning and the design of both passive and active fire protection systems.

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) fire modelling is a cutting-edge approach that solves complex equations to simulate fluid flow and heat transfer as a fire grows and spreads. These models predict the movement of smoke and heat in buildings of any design, making them an essential tool in modern fire engineering.

Expert CFD Fire Modelling

Using advanced software and technology, we create a detailed model of your project to map the spread of flames, heat, and smoke. This data allows us to develop the most efficient fire strategy for your building, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements and other fire safety objectives.

CFD fire modelling is a powerful tool. At Jensen Hughes, our experienced fire safety engineers and consultants are CFD specialists. They use their extensive knowledge to accurately predict fire behaviour, helping to protect both lives and property.

The Importance of Evacuation Modelling

Buildings must be designed to facilitate the free movement of people and enable swift evacuations during emergencies. We leverage 3D computer models and real-time visualisations to assess how built environments perform under high-occupancy conditions, allowing us to identify potential issues before they arise. Our simulations accurately replicate various scenarios, whether in office buildings, railway stations, airports, or sports stadiums. Our fire safety engineers employ evacuation modelling to test and validate building designs, explore alternative options, and develop solutions that ensure safe and efficient evacuations.

Comprehensive Evacuation Modelling

Evacuation modelling simulates realistic fire events to predict evacuation times for specific areas and buildings. It considers human behavior under the stress of a fire, including emotional reactions, crowd dynamics, and the interaction of building materials and systems.

While existing guidelines offer general recommendations on features like exit route width and occupant characteristics, fire evacuation modelling provides a more comprehensive and cost-effective approach. This method is especially useful for determining the required safe egress time (RSET), the time needed for a safe evacuation. When integrated with smoke modelling, it can also predict the available safe egress time (ASET), the time before fire conditions become untenable.

Fire Brigade Intervention Modelling

We can quantify firefighting activities in our fire engineering assessments by using the fire brigade intervention model (FBIM). The FBIM predicts the time taken by a fire brigade to undertake its activities at the fire scene from time of notification through to control and extinguishment. This enables us to evaluate the expected time until a fire can be suppressed by the local fire brigade or compare different fire brigade control strategies.


Leigh Clark

General Manager, Consulting Australia


Masters of Engineering, Fire Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), Chemical and Process Engineering, Registered Professional Engineer, Chartered Professional Engineer, NER (Fire Safety), Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland, Fire Safety

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Haydn Lewis

Manager, Fire Safety Engineering

New South Wales

International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (Magna cum laude), Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical (Honours), Bachelor of Science, Applied Physics, Member, Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), Member, Society of Fire Safety

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Michael Mason

Manager, Fire Safety Engineering

New South Wales

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical, Graduate Diploma Fire Safety Engineering, C10, Fire Safety Engineering Compliance Accredited, Registered Fire Safety Engineer, Registered Professional Fire Safety Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Member, Institute of Engineers Australia, Member, Society Fire Safety Engineers

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