Performance Solutions

We use a performance-based approach to customise fire safety measures for a design, helping clients achieve their objectives while maintaining the level of fire safety expected by the building code and the community.

Jensen Hughes' Performance-Based Approach

We consider each building's design and use and provide safe and practical design outcomes. This can facilitate greater design flexibility while maintaining the original architectural features. It can also accommodate the operational intent of a building that may not comply with the prescriptive National Construction Code (NCC) requirements. Our performance-based solutions are rigorously benchmarked against the objectives and intent of the NCC, ensuring that we can clearly demonstrate compliance with the relevant performance requirements.

Table showing architectural drawings, plans, pencils, hard hat and ruler

Understanding the National Construction Code

Within Australia, the NCC – also referred to as the Building Code of Australia (BCA) – is a performance-based document that outlines all performance requirements for the construction and modification of buildings. Compliance with the performance requirements of the NCC can be achieved by aligning building designs with either the Deemed-To-Satisfy (DTS) provisions, using performance solutions, or a combination of both methods.

A DTS outcome is a prescriptive solution specified in the NCC that is deemed to meet the performance requirements. However, instead of strictly adhering to these prescriptive measures, a performance solution offers a more flexible, customised approach to compliance.

Defining Performance Solutions

Performance solutions leverage fire safety engineering principles and analyses, including fire modelling, evacuation studies, and risk assessments, to demonstrate that a building design satisfies the NCC’s fire safety objectives. This approach considers the unique characteristics of each individual building, offering greater design flexibility, especially for complex or innovative structures, while ensuring that they are safe from fire hazards while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.

Our Expertise + Nationwide Coverage

Jensen Hughes boasts one of the largest specialised teams of fire safety engineers in Australia, with offices in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth. In New Zealand, we have a dedicated team of fire safety engineers based in our Auckland and Christchurch offices.

Having a solid presence across the Pacific region, allows us to provide seamless service and ensure your project proceeds without delay, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.


Leigh Clark

General Manager, Consulting Australia


Masters of Engineering, Fire Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), Chemical and Process Engineering, Registered Professional Engineer, Chartered Professional Engineer, NER (Fire Safety), Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland, Fire Safety

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Haydn Lewis

Manager, Fire Safety Engineering

New South Wales

International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (Magna cum laude), Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical (Honours), Bachelor of Science, Applied Physics, Member, Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), Member, Society of Fire Safety

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Michael Mason

Manager, Fire Safety Engineering

New South Wales

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical, Graduate Diploma Fire Safety Engineering, C10, Fire Safety Engineering Compliance Accredited, Registered Fire Safety Engineer, Registered Professional Fire Safety Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Member, Institute of Engineers Australia, Member, Society Fire Safety Engineers

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