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Surge Capacity: Is Your Healthcare Facility Prepared?
Assess whether your facility could handle the next emergency patient surge
Prepare and manage a sudden influx of patients at your healthcare facility. Whether it’s an internal surge (e.g., due to fire or flooding), another healthcare facility evacuating, a mass casualty incident or an increased need to surge due to an epidemic/pandemic, our action-oriented tools, technology and training will improve your decision-making process for disaster response.
From Reactive to Proactive: Surge Capacity Assessments + Tools
We provide a comprehensive on-site assessment of your facility and develop unit-specific guidelines and command center tool for surge planning. We've completed these assessments and processes for more than 600 healthcare facilities (hospitals and nursing homes) throughout the nation. With our assessments and tools, we can:
Evaluate your level of preparedness and identify any gaps in your program
Ensure that that your program complies with CMS and accreditation requirements
Provide aggregate data for leadership in planning for and responding to a patient surge
Access and Manage All Data on RPA Navigator
RPA Navigator is a web-based portal that ensures all your surge capacity data is in one place, easy to access and always live.